Ace Combat Assault Horizon Trailer - Giant Bombvar PARCHMENT_VERSION = 1;
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Dig Deeper into Ace Combat Assault HorizonThe latest console iteration of the Ace Combat franchise, and a reboot of the series, Assault Horizon adds flyable helicopters, destructible environments, and a new cinematic pursuit system called "Close Range Assault".Edit/View the Wiki Hit the Forums (9 Posts) Add/View Images (105 Images) Watch Some Videos (5 Videos) Log in or sign up to comment on this topic. 23 Comments First To Last Latest 1 2 
shinigami420 is online on June 28, 2011 This game looks fucking sick

CosmicQueso on June 28, 2011 sick fucking looks game, this!
MrXD on June 28, 2011 Hot damn this looks awesome
McQuinn on June 28, 2011 Too much beeping but other than that, this games so fucking awesome.
jrlyon on June 28, 2011 That dude just downed almost 250 million dollars in aircraft (F16*15) and then scraped his own 150 million dollar plane (F22). Just another day at the office Colonel?
fl4tlined on June 28, 2011 im not gonna lie im impressed this game looks pretty awesome
Duder_Me on June 28, 2011 What were they going to do with that ink anyway? Sounds like some evil genius' lame idea for mischief.
IamTerics on June 28, 2011 Looks pretty cool. The music helps. 
kollay on June 28, 2011 Fuck.
YESSSSSS! Demons of Razgriz is on your ass.

Cypher on June 28, 2011 CHRIST, this game looks great.

RedRocketWestie on June 28, 2011 @jrlyon said:
That dude just downed almost 250 million dollars in aircraft (F16*15) and then scraped his own 150 million dollar plane (F22). Just another day at the office Colonel?
$250 million in aircraft piloted by "bandits" no less. Not to mention the missile counter in the hundreds.
I don't think I'll ever understand the appeal of Ace Combat. It's hyper-realistic visuals juxtaposed with cartoony over-the-top premise.
Savior82 on June 28, 2011 This video was enough, I've now paid my preorder. :) 
kollay on June 28, 2011 Keiki Kobayashi once again shines with his superb musical score.
The soundtracks for the AC games has always been one of its strongest points.
Aegis on June 28, 2011 i am willing to accept how ridiculous this is because of how awesome it looks.
HarlequinRiot on June 28, 2011 If you've never played an Ace Combat games, what's the best one on modern consoles to try? (if there's even more than one) 
CrimsonJester on June 28, 2011 Sure hope Miami was evacuated with the amount of bullets and shrapnel that must be coming down from this fight.
wrong city

JackColt on June 28, 2011 @CrimsonJester said:
Sure hope San Diego was evacuated with the amount of bullets and shrapnel that must be coming down from this fight.
It's Miami. An insanely detailed and well-rendered Miami.
I think I'd be too distracted trying to find my house to actually play the game.

Cypher on June 28, 2011 @HarlequinRiot:
There's just one on Xbox 360, Ace Combat 6. It's pretty good if you like flying around in jets and getting tone, and don't mind laughably bad writing. Dont' expect the level of dynamic action showcased in Assault Horizon, though.
evanbrass on June 28, 2011 This looks just like Top Gun on the NES
pyromaster222 on June 28, 2011 woah I just noticed this trailer is 10 minutes long. Also I was really surprised by that... kind of looks cool. I was also really into the music. First To Last Latest 1 2 Recent Videos Featured Reviews Features Trailers Events Endurance Run TANG Quick Looks Subscriber Latest Show All Categories Enjoy some of the editors' pick videos from Giant Bomb.
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