Nintendo 3ds coming price in August [news]

3:38 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

Started by 232324 Ver Mensaje hope to do the same, even though I already have my 3ds Estar?a, that her lowered so that people will be encouraged good price to buy it in Europe, although if lower prices in the United States and Jap?n, the M?s is likely to do the same in Europe

in terms of the free games, it's great, and I hope that Tambi?n in Europe do, but my question is.... ?Como Distinguir?n between a person, that is the console bought before or on August 11, Despu?s or at reduced price?
Adem?s, a major step forward, since Est?n already announced that Habr?n GBA for virtual console, games, that the thing xD encouraged

SEG?n said on the Nintendo All? from the UK, down about 1 / 3 Tambi?n in Europe, will the Deber?a console similar to the United States cut. With regard to designate. All persons who have received free games now. Who can connect to the network of Nintendo before the rebate is obvious, that you the console, and is very likely that, in this case, "Visiting" the servers by Nintendo are recorded (at least with the serial number of the console), which is why they Sabr?an to the Ten?as. From now until the cut is buy and xDD recognizes him, fuck by Gili and is not justified, to the console to buy 30% M?s can't wait until August xD

The console itself Est? down to 15,000 $249.99 349.95 Australian 249.99 $ 169.99 and 25,000 yen. This represents a reduction of 40, 32% and 29% or. This Tambi?n provides an advantage for those who already the console M?s All? of the games because if 3DS-Sales expand, the number of players online play to higher can be bought, much M?s take advantage of the system.

If anyone is interested, I did a Art?culo about this, they can get to my signature.

?ltima Edici?n Xdanx date: today at 14: 21.

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