ISPs destroy open Internet, piracy, stop gets face Palm
Internet service provider AT & T, Cablevision, Comcast, Verizon and Time Warner Cable have an agreement with the motion picture Association of America, to create the recording industry association of America, and other organizations for independent filmmakers and record companies come a single directive for the control of digital copyright infringement.
In the beginning of 2012, these four warns ISPs customers of the infringement a procedure with six graduated responses from a simple warning email to "Risk mitigation measures" such as slow links or one full block from appearing in Internet searches. Users must acknowledge these notices and the symptoms can also contest. A Center for copyright information with a Board represent this alarm system monitored by media companies and service providers, and regulate these guidelines
This system of "guilty," before proven innocent be but it is likely an overwhelming headache for customers. When a large organization or firm says that so-and-so on their property has violated, really believe, that these ISPs even for this are so important, litle, no power (read: money) on their side? That these ISPs are even use how much potential profits and the effort, believe, to make a claim? When we previously listen to people, cut off their Internet service that pays you for copyright infringement which is committed never?
Net neutrality is a hotly debated topic and helping his sees Trojan horse for ISPs in the Internet this step as legal control by differentiation and discriminatory against certain persons and companies. If the ISPs don't like this story write I about it, will soon play suffer revolution "slow links" for copyright infringement? This would be for over-monitoring the beginning of a slippery slope and a complete lack of privacy, because everything you send on the Internet technically already is tracked by an ISP? Should I, the post office use more often?
I see also hacker with a field day, not only hackers, who are likely to attack these ISPs from their sense of Justice, but also those who simply enjoy pestering people for the Lulz. While this our future messages much easier to project, the worst part about do it hardly a damn thing to pirates all this. So much as I feel sympathy for small copyright owners or victims of piracy, me, have much use this will prevent not piracy. If anything, it will encourage pirates and they only the aggressiveness, find ways, to the new system. Why? Because they are pirates.
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