Siege Engines: A Dungeon Siege Retrospective - Giant Bombvar PARCHMENT_VERSION = 1;
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Quick Look: Jamestown
Dig Deeper into Dungeon Siege IIIAn action RPG for PC, 360 and PS3. Developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Square Enix, it introduces a number of changes to the Dungeon Siege series.Edit/View the Wiki Hit the Forums (19 Posts) Add/View Images (84 Images) Watch Some Videos (7 Videos) Log in or sign up to comment on this topic. 33 Comments First To Last Latest 1 2
Nomin on June 24, 2011
A possibly two star game with broken PC controls doesn't deserve a retrospective. 
Tesla is online on June 24, 2011 Retrospectives would be a cool feature to do more going forward. Just sayin'.
phrosnite is online on June 24, 2011 Dungeon Siege 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. At some point it was my all-time favourite game. I love it. I have sunk like 300 hours in it. 
Spatulalad is online on June 24, 2011 Already better produced than anything Uwe Boll has been connected with.

wrathofconn on June 24, 2011 Ha, fucking 'Horatio Sans'. I love these games but this is a fun look at them anyway.

creamypies on June 24, 2011 @Nomin: Any excuse for Vinny and Ryan to make a near hour long video is a good enough excuse for me!
Fearbeard on June 24, 2011 That Dungeon Siege 1 one was painful, with Vinny at the controls....
"Where do I go?" as he wanders around the cleared area and ignores the large amounts of black unexplored area on the map 
Slaker117 on June 24, 2011 Would love to see this become a more regular feature. 
scarycrayons on June 24, 2011 An hour of Dungeon Siege? I'm intrigued!
I pre-ordered DSIII for the previous two games, and was... not impressed the games at all, at least the way they were handled on Steam. DS1 has no expansions, no multiplayer, and apparently even the ending video was removed. The combat in DS1 was awful too, in the sense of 'hitting something with a bad weapon is necessary as you slowly level up from hitting enemies, because actually killing things means you get no weapon experience'. That left enough of a bad taste in my mouth to not try DS2 because it seemed to be the same situation (no multiplayer, no expansions, bad gameplay design). Then DS3 came out, and... yeah.

Buzzkill on June 24, 2011 Please please don't do this. I just subscribed and now you're going to pander to a bigger POS than DNF? /sigh
Dungeon Siege has always been second rate at everything and started its life as a Diablo clone and never evolved beyond that. For everything that was poor about DNF, at least it was an original IP.
FirePrince on June 24, 2011 These things are pretty awesome.
drag on June 24, 2011 @Buzzkill: relevant username 
csoup on June 24, 2011 @Buzzkill said:
Please please don't do this. I just subscribed and now you're going to pander to a bigger POS than DNF? /sigh
Dungeon Siege has always been second rate at everything and started its life as a Diablo clone and never evolved beyond that. For everything that was poor about DNF, at least it was an original IP.
Jeese, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? I happened to enjoy the original 2 DS games, and I am having a fine time with DS3. Just because you do not like a franchise does not mean a whole website has to cater to your...selfish desires.
hanktherapper on June 24, 2011 The first few hours of Dungeon Siege are really fun. As it progresses you realize how utterly boring the gameplay becomes.
RTSlord is online on June 24, 2011 damn vinny's got a lot of games on steam.... 
RVonE is online on June 24, 2011 @Buzzkill said:
Please please don't do this. I just subscribed and now you're going to pander to a bigger POS than DNF? /sigh
Dungeon Siege has always been second rate at everything and started its life as a Diablo clone and never evolved beyond that. For everything that was poor about DNF, at least it was an original IP.
So what you're saying is they shouldn't pander to things you don't like?
Device on June 24, 2011 Wow, long ass Steam games list...
EpicReflex on June 24, 2011 The first Dungeon Siege is a classic - fond memories of my donkey - the series went downhill from there.
Cirdain on June 24, 2011 @Device said:
Wow, long ass Steam games list...
ProfessorEss is online on June 24, 2011 I remember the original blowing my mind the first time I played it.
I've never beaten it (didn't have the time back in the day) but damn I remember it looking and playing so good.
Also... love the aggro train he gets goin' on his way to the crypt. First To Last Latest 1 2 Recent Videos Featured Reviews Features Trailers Events Endurance Run TANG Quick Looks Subscriber Latest Show All Categories Enjoy some of the editors' pick videos from Giant Bomb.
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