The people speak: GR Dundies such as
Yesterday's Team Fortress 2 play date was fantastic! Thanks to those who joined. If it could make you not, we will soon hold another. Go to the forums and looking for the Team Fortress 2 thread to talk about that next play date to do it!
We had A ton of nominations this week! Thank you for the support of the low commentators stress! Keep in mind, you can send a PM, post in the forum thread (see link) you people speak or only reply to a comment with "Citizens for people speak" or something to that effect me! You pay that comment that love to front!
That said, our newly implemented comment rating system does have an impact on a comment worthiness for the people speak. A nomination is not enough! If your comment is not visible due to a large batch of thumbs down, not you in the people speakwill get featured!
We are on our quarterly drawing which people speak. REMEMBER: every comment an entry to win and win every nomination acts as an entry is marked!
Rockstar is expecting it are more red dead redemption DLC coming
Comment by Stickyyellowsock.
Cougar DLC you roam West of mauling people out of nowhere.

Comment by SweetHat. Masterwabbitnominated.
What is funny, that my uncle swore by faux News (pun intended), that he would defend them like a rabid Badger. Then one day, I showed him the amount of idiocy and Shere brilliant stupid mistakes, made and he changed his mind really fast. My uncle is a former teacher, and he told me the words that I will never forget.
"May be in a position to bring fair and balanced news to the masses, but if you understand English don't have a grasp on at least a high school, then your just a bunch of delays, that their private parts for the first time to discover."
Needless to say this was the "cool * my uncle said" book.

Comment by Mr_Pieper. Used44nominated.
Its a blurry image of chimneys protruding from a huge building. This leads me to believe that respawn is moving into the lucrative world of FPFW. The first person factory workers is genre finally its fair shake in gaming are given.

Comment by NickKmet. Danielrbischoffnominated.
"" Valve crank no more games "." On the contrary, she have not cranked out everything really recently. You, invest in contrast to other developers more in their gaming communities and even shared on fixing and improving their games. Also, it helps that they have a digital distribution service of their own piracy makes kind of a moot point (that is, if you have bound a steam account with a valid licence on it for some games). You have also very little piss off their fan base, in contrast to some other publishers/developers done.

Post by Eyebrowsbv31. NickKmetnominated.
Are you dreaming of applause? How about wealth, praise, and the occasional congratulations? You can featured are in the weekly game revolution people talk post. Every weekend GR will highlight, the best comments in the Forum, user blogs, and user reviews. All you have to do is, participate in the vibrant and lively community game revolution. Yes, alive and vibrant good words are to use. You can call in the people speak forum thread! If in the people speak much featured get, have a chance of some loot from the GR connection. Not like to participate, but still want a shot at some prey? Nomination comments, also you get reviews, blogs and posts an entry in our quarterly people speak drawing. Send Danielrbischoff a PM or send an E-mail to instead of numbers, order and wait on a pizza of their own, they would rather punch the man deliver at your neighbours door and steal his pizza.
So blame the Internet.
Madster, you still fail. Their Opitions are not A. to purchase and download and B. pirate it. It's a and not f * steal before we all are forced to play all games on a super system, we have no control over, the game, and then the whole thing falls into a world of Shitness.
Christ, do something else. Outside, ride a bike, go have a run, kill some rabbits to torment the your country.
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