Goodell, decides the fate of the season Smith's private negotiations

3:36 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

The lockout has lasted 100 days. Wars have concluded with more speed. The careers of politicians have burned out faster. Rocket ships have reached other planets previously. Faster, Tiki Barber became tabloid fodder. One. One hundred. Day.

Few believed pure madness for months could stand, but it has as owners and players fight as two young children of the same, gold-plated Binky. But they have a fight: sometimes brutal, sometimes brutal, sometimes with no punches pulled.

One hundred days of school this nonsense. Well, we finally reach one of the most important stages of this long nightmare however. Next week, various League and player sources the most important of this fight told me, may. This week could determine if this fight work finally ends.

Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFLPA head DeMaurice Smith are a small quota review in Minneapolis. It is reported by ESPN, the two will meet four days but I hear that number is flexible. Could be shorter, might a little longer.

What is not debatable is the importance of the meeting. If significant progress can be made during this session blitz, a timely start virtually is a lock in the season. I have always believed would be clarified this mid-July, and there is still a good chance that happens. A productive get-together between Goodell and Smith would all but assure that.

If the two sides meet and suddenly, a timely start of the season is little or no progress at all in grave danger.

The fate of the NFL season may rest on Roger Goodell's ability to negotiate a new CBA in private meetings with DeMaurice Smith. (Getty Images) The fate of the NFL season rest on Roger Goodells ability, negotiate a new CBA in private meetings with DeMaurice Smith. (Getty Images) There is a difference about this week to negotiate, I was told, and it is interesting. Goodell and Smith feel as she passed in another relevant authority to an agreement for their voters, have me; Goodell for the owners and Smith for the players.

Obviously both men all over run to their superiors, but the negotiation process is significantly optimized, (for now). This is nothing but good news.

Otherwise, that has been decided. If there is no new agreement and the lock on to the Hall of Fame induction and the accompanying events continue as planned. The game would be lost, but at least not mess with history is the lockout. The induction ceremony would be the only football-related happens should the lockout enter August.

The scenario, which I've long planned, is in this way. The owners and players announce handshake agreement before the fourth of July weekend, so they can then say: the patriotic owners and players have saved football for our country. Now go eat hot dogs and blast your garage with Fireworks, America, football is back!

As a whole, both sides with urgency be run if months ago, the process was far too casual. This is the good news.

The bad news is that this is over a 100 days and counting. It has pessimism and optimism, and each different emotions in between. It seemed it would end quickly and then it felt like the lock forever could stand. It's ugly and hopeful while demonstrating the best and much worse of men who run football.

And finally we may be a significant milepost-next week, or as - to say when it could stop us. Finally something tangible, than events in the area to take.

Is wins this week common sense or there is stupidity?

We will see.

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