Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary
Many remember the urban legend that the girl who appears after 3 times repeated your name in your mirrors, speaks of bloody Mary, however, some of these Hostoria have?, the truth, that is, what has not relevant for the post, now I, to Han, compilation of data on Bloody Mary, one of bringing urban legends, the more understandable today day are common.
The legend explains the bloody Mary, which is done usually in Piymadas Ni?os and Quisquillosas and sophisticated, female teenage girl, also in the films na seen as basically ritual Invocacion
History has has several versions, which are, on this bloody Mary do not have a specific origin and it as well as several rituals and the name of which it can be called, in Espa?a also known as Veronica without all variants that it can be and are not included, is loud, Mary was a teenager, the tragic way some stories is starbin a very beautiful girl is suicidal after, that they spent a joke and his soul in a mirror, in others was caught that Mary was a girl who was ill and remained in a coma and why his father's doctor, the Enterro, and a Bell with a rope can, when I woke up, went to sleep and found the next Ma?ana the Bell in the floor and the Rebentado thread, mary's tomb was covered with blood and his U?as embedded in the coffin.
Often be Ritaules with household items, carried out as it can be a Bible or a few scissors and after the girls used to call this Calaverica, to the hand have the person who it call our plane to kill.
In the United Staaten.UU. There is a legend An?loga with bloody Mary ("the bloody Mar?a") or Mary worth, Inspiraci?n, the story of Clive Barker was; "Banned", led to the cinema with Candyman-T?tulo.
Also Mary Magdalene of England will kill often with the Queen of bloody Mary during the persecution by the Inquisition only to a large number of people and her nickname at the time confused.
There are also other stories which speak of a witch named Mary, the people killed or in other cases, young girls to Ba?arse in their blood and thus its beauty maintained.
In popular culture to see the appearance of bloody Mary on several television series:
Candyman reflective films series, based on a story by Clive Barker, Est? inspired by this urban legend. Cap?tulo Bloody Mary in the TV series supernatural, the protagonists are a Esp?ritu, which took the form of the legend.The legend Tambi?n Apareci? in the third season of Ghost Whisperer (Ghost Whisperer) Televisi?n in the episode called "Don don't this try at home" (not to try this at home).The legend is mentioned in the first season of the series Televisi?n warehouse 13 (Almac?n 13), in the episode called "duped" (Enga?ados).It has a movie based on the widespread urban legend, his name is 3 urban legends: Bloody Mary / urban legends: bloody MaryEn South Park made a parody with the dead rapper (remember the name)
There are several ways to the do not call it the methods in a couple of quotes. If you go to the Ba?o and you will receive with the lights off and completely dark Habitaci?n front of a mirror and say "Bloody Mary" wife and you make a Aparecer? Destrozar?. Said to me, the when you say "Mary" seven times in a mirror in a dark Habitaci?n, Ver?s hell the picture of the devil in the mirror. The person who I said the Cont? me, after three times say "Hell Mary", the mirror was red and, after he blurred face Apareci? the other 5. AS? is always O? the story: you go into a Habitaci?n with a mirror and turn off the light (works well in a Ba?o). You start with the words in a whisper "Bloody Mary," Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary and Seg?n Diciendolo, the tone of voice up, until it becomes almost a cry. While you call it, you turn around and look in the mirror in each step. Closing of the thirteenth Repetici?n of the word... 'they' Aparecer?... A friend of mine, said a Compa?era of the class, Sali? and the shouting Ba?o. "He was terrified they refused to speak, what happened, but those were the All?, noted that his fingers were covered with blood Bloody Mary, showing your fear Sali?.""Show your horror that night wines" Aparecer? and, if you sin Alg?n, you Matar? have committed. It something is away from the legend of bloody Mary, also variants including this one says:
When you say Michael Jackson 3 times in the mirror
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
Michael appears and you fail to comply the ass
This confirms me last The_Alex said it was true and lived in meat...
Also you have, if you say, Danerk 3 times 8 front of the mirror is Danerk8 and you have porn Hentay please to this ritual a porn movie of any type must have or Abiendo side of porn in the browser on your computer.
Others say that, if you three times, the monitor of the computer in the mirror and neo neo moved his hand from his left Testiculo and continues the approved proposals to carry out, which gave Weba say.

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