Vote for Team Fortress 2 Saxxy Awards is now open
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Voting For Team Fortress 2 Saxxy Awards Is Now Open

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Voting For Team Fortress 2 Saxxy Awards Is Now Open Posted on Saturday, May 21 @ 12:58:38 Eastern by danielrbischoff
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I haven't had a chance to record a submission for the Saxxy Awards, Valve's all-star showcase of people with crazy TF2 skill (or at least the ability to capture a funny moment on video.)
That being said, I think the above video is a worthy candidate. If you want to sift through the tons of entries for each category, you can head over to the Saxxy Award page and starting voting now! If you've got an entry that's getting ignored, drop a link in the comments and we'll give you the Game Revolution bump. It's quite large so have fun winning instantly! Related Games: Team Fortress 2Tags: team fortress 2, valve
drathbone - Joined: May 19, 2011I'll be honest, I'm not sure what's happening in that video and why it makes it worthy?Posted: May 21st, 2011 at 4:16 pm
drathbone - Joined: May 19, 2011I'll be honest, I'm not sure what's happening in that video and why it makes it worthy?Posted: May 21st, 2011 at 4:24 pm
Masterwabbit - Joined: Mar 15, 2009@drathbone - The Soldier there got a Tauntkill on a Pyro while under heavy fire. Tauntkills are really difficult to pull off properly (outside of the Sniper's, but that's another story), so as a TF2 player I can tip my hat to this player who pulled it off magnificently (and snarl for him being a lucky rascal)Posted: May 22nd, 2011 at 1:32 pm
Masterwabbit - Joined: Mar 15, 2009As for the voting, I actually watched one video that gave me a sense of déjà vu. Then I realized that, holy crap, the Red Demoman WAS me in that particular round. I didn't upload any replays at all (no lie), so it was surprising to me in the least. Wish I could post links in the comments, but you'll just have to search for "Trying to save RED Demoman" on your own.Posted: May 22nd, 2011 at 1:38 pm
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Team Fortress 2
The Ultimate Sacrifice (00:28)
Red Faction: Armageddon
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F.E.A.R. 3
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Team Fortress 2
The Ultimate Sacrifice (00:28)VIEW ALL VIDEOSvar videoshown=1;var teaserScrollId=0;$('teaserimg'+videoshown).addClassName('slide-nav-on');function scrollTeasers(){if (videoshown==6) { document.getElementById('videocarslider').style.left = '0px'; videoshown=1; }if (videoshownWhat Do You Want in an Ocarina of Time 3D Collector's Edition?The People Speak: Left BehindHaiku Fridays: Let's Get DirtyGears Of War Board Game Coming to Crush Your TabletopFatality: Accordian Players Kill It With Mortal Kombat ThemeSmile! You're on Candid ControllerGamers Poor, Buying More Used GamesNintendo Kicks Off Operation: Stop Pirates At All CostsHow Do You Spend Your Gaming Time?L.A. Noire: You Lying Whore
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R.I.P. Space Combat
Summer is just about upon us now; finals are bearing down on college students, with the promise of summer break and all of the broken air-conditioners, rushed vacation plans and charred meat that it entails. It also marks the beginning of what I like to call, the “Game Release Doldrums,” so named because it’s the season where the fewest games I am interested in are released. Though it looks like this year’s GRD should not be too tedious, I guarantee that most, if not all,...
Vox ArchivePosted on Thursday, May 12 2011
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Voting For Team Fortress 2 Saxxy Awards Is Now Open

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I haven't had a chance to record a submission for the Saxxy Awards, Valve's all-star showcase of people with crazy TF2 skill (or at least the ability to capture a funny moment on video.)
That being said, I think the above video is a worthy candidate. If you want to sift through the tons of entries for each category, you can head over to the Saxxy Award page and starting voting now! If you've got an entry that's getting ignored, drop a link in the comments and we'll give you the Game Revolution bump. It's quite large so have fun winning instantly! Related Games: Team Fortress 2Tags: team fortress 2, valve

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Team Fortress 2
The Ultimate Sacrifice (00:28)

Red Faction: Armageddon
Launch trailer for Red Faction: Armageddon. (01:47)

F.E.A.R. 3
Scoring trailer. (01:17)

Guild Wars 2
Engineer Skill Videos. (03:38)

Gears of War 3
Campaign Teaser (00:15)

Team Fortress 2
The Ultimate Sacrifice (00:28)VIEW ALL VIDEOSvar videoshown=1;var teaserScrollId=0;$('teaserimg'+videoshown).addClassName('slide-nav-on');function scrollTeasers(){if (videoshown==6) { document.getElementById('videocarslider').style.left = '0px'; videoshown=1; }if (videoshownWhat Do You Want in an Ocarina of Time 3D Collector's Edition?The People Speak: Left BehindHaiku Fridays: Let's Get DirtyGears Of War Board Game Coming to Crush Your TabletopFatality: Accordian Players Kill It With Mortal Kombat ThemeSmile! You're on Candid ControllerGamers Poor, Buying More Used GamesNintendo Kicks Off Operation: Stop Pirates At All CostsHow Do You Spend Your Gaming Time?L.A. Noire: You Lying Whore

L.A. Noire Cheats

R.I.P. Space Combat
Summer is just about upon us now; finals are bearing down on college students, with the promise of summer break and all of the broken air-conditioners, rushed vacation plans and charred meat that it entails. It also marks the beginning of what I like to call, the “Game Release Doldrums,” so named because it’s the season where the fewest games I am interested in are released. Though it looks like this year’s GRD should not be too tedious, I guarantee that most, if not all,...
Vox ArchivePosted on Thursday, May 12 2011

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