Hamilton: Armstrong encourages doping

1:04 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

Lance Armstrong of former teammates, Tyler Hamilton, says Armstrong and other team leaders encouraged, promoted and took also part in a doping program in an effort to 1999 winning tour de France and, according to a report Sunday night on 60 minutes broadcast.

Hamilton said he saw Armstrong take performance-enhancing drug, EPO and testosterone, and also a banned blood transfusion saw him get.

"I feel bad that I had to go here and do this," Hamilton said. "But how I, long-term, of sport be better for it I think at the end of the day."

In the interview parts of Hamilton were revealed aired on Thursday and Friday on CBS evening news, other comments about the US postal team operation:

• Team leaders, including doctors and Manager, encouraged and assisted doping;

• Doping was within the US postal team still before Armstrong joined in 1998;

• Use performance-enhancing drugs, including EPO and human growth hormone, were for cyclists in white lunch bags issued;

• Were team members met to said driven to the airport, hotels, lie down and blood, which could again be transfused to a later date in their body.

Armstrong long has denied doping and tested never positive.

On Sunday, the lawyer mark Fabiani has him, in a statement deriding the CBS report.

"We already have responded in detail to www.facts4lance.com," said Fabiani. "Throughout this process, CBS showed a serious lack of journalistic fairness and sensationalism brought responsibility." "CBS have relied on dubious sources while completely ignore Lance's almost 500 clean tests and the hundreds of former team-mates and competitors, who would have spoken about his work ethic and talent."

Report 60 minutes used unidentified sources report that an another Armstrong team-mate and close friend, George Hincapie, testified the grand jury investigating doping in cycling, that he and Armstrong supplied each other with EPO and discussed that testosterone is used for the preparation of the races.

Armstrong wrote a statement to the support from Hincapie on the website: "We are confident that the statements are wrong on Hincapie, and that the reports are unreliable about his testimony."

Hincapie released a statement Friday through his lawyer, said he does not talk to 60 minutes and did not know where your information get the show.

Hamilton, described in the meantime program by Armstrong's US postal team conducted a systematic doping. He said he offered the same testimony of Los Angeles-based grand jury.

Examine federal prosecutors what in essence would have been a drug distribution network, which was founded to keep running Armstrong's team to the top of the Pack.

The 60 minutes reveals, combined with the recent requests by federal authorities for evidence in France, have fed a sense of the growing difficulties for the world's most famous cyclists, an international star and cancer survivor, which has raised millions of dollars to combat the disease.

In his interview, Hamilton said he saw to use 2000 and 2001 tours Armstrong the blood-boosting drug EPO during the tour de France 1999 and in preparation for the year.

Armstrong won that world's most revered race every year from 1999 to 2005.

But the case is trying to compile federal authorities not only on whether Armstrong be chosen doped. It has allegedly with more of the cyclist and a doping could run his team - a program that lead to fraud and fees to do program.

"He was obviously of the greatest drivers in the team and he helped to call the shots", Hamilton said. "He doped themselves, you know, like everyone else, but he was just part of the culture of sport." ... He was the leader of the team and he expected to go in, for example the ' 99-tour (that) we do win all about Lance wanted to help. "We had a goal that is it."

The associated press reported last month that federal investigators French asked authorities to turn over evidence, including Armstrong's urine samples from 1999, in the same year Hamilton said, he saw use Armstrong EPO during the tour.

Armstrong's 1999 samples under the microscope in 2005 came when the French daily L'Equipe sport reported that six of the samples had in fact, tested positive for EPO-if in the year 2004 were tested again. Followed an investigation by the International Cycling Union and came to the conclusion that the samples were mishandled and could not be used to prove something.

But the examples already exist and are part of the cache of prove, the authorities are looking for.

Could these samples, along with Bank and telephone of records and testimony about drug use, to the paint a picture which allegedly by Armstrong and his US postal team run a doping program be used.

In the report 60 minutes said Hamilton Armstrong told him that he had in the 2001 tour de Suisse--a warm-up race for the tour de France--positive tested, however, that he is not worried.

"He was so relaxed about and he said, say it kind of just from the cuff and kind laughed out of it," Hamilton said. "It has relaxed helped art stay me because, obviously, he had a positive test,..." Team will lose the sponsorship, I will lose my job. Not only will I lose my job, but you know, go 50 to 60 other people losing their jobs. ... "There was a lot of consequences for a positive test."

Hamilton said Armstrong made a deal with the UCI, and found it "out, so it go way."

The tour de Suisse claims are similar to that of Floyd Landis, tour de France removing its 2006 title for doping. After years to deny he cheated joining Landis last year recognition used PEDs and alleged Armstrong Act, also.

The 60 minutes report claims referred to a letter provided by Armstrong's lawyer, the UCI says nothing of the positive samples was one of Armstrong.

Coach Armstrong and Italian Michele Ferrari about PEDs said said in the interview, Hamilton, and when and how, to take it.

"He taught how to properly train Lance," Hamilton said. "Of course in cycling, it is more than just training and resting and eat properly." A further element-the doping part exists. "And he gave him, you know, a doping schedule."

Ferrari, who was banned for life by the Italian cycling Federation is investigating in Italy. Armstrong said he has cut formal ties with Ferrari, but has confirmed nonprofessionally since meeting him. Last month the two reported only in the last year, the AP before the tour de France, had met the Armstrong's was last tour, before he again retired.

Armstrong's new website attacked insist Hamilton, who long for doping despite his twice, which he has been banned never cheated. Hamilton he now acknowledges did use PEDs and his 2004 Olympic Gold Medal of the US anti-doping Agency has given.

"A self-professed liar looking for a book Deal-- and he is done Tyler Hamilton, 60 minutes, which CBS evening news and new anchor Scott Pelley, dupe" the website said. "Most people, but this see exactly what it is: more scrapped cyclists are talking trash for cash."

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