Revolutionary rant: Veterans Affairs

4:32 AM Posted by Mario Galarza

I played call of duty: black ops on veteran today. I spent an hour in the single-player campaign. Most of the time he spent with my aim down the attractions wait for one of the computer-controlled henchmen pop head from behind the corner camping. I actually expected the frustration that came from it. I plan on Call of Duty games on veteran, see.

No, it was the end of the level, the me about made it clear Treyarchcold war shooter. The player character slides down an embankment and falls through a fabric overhang. A massive wave of enemies approaching from all sides and opens fire. (See this sequence as of 2: 51 mark in the video above). I once survive this onslaught of enemy fire in 27 attempts succeeded.

I will never, ever, that section of the game to play again.

I'll admit that my motivation for the placing on the market Black Ops even back in my Xbox 360 a wealth of services, I had still deserves not. The digital Moose head on my virtual wall was enough encouragement to play also the campaign a second time. The 10 initial attempts was an investment, I had to see through. That being said, can Activision, Treyarch, and any person, the hands on the creation of the single-player campaign in call of duty black ops put the fucking fire go.

Seriously, fuck you and your terrible, vile, toxic game design. They are the scum of the industry. How could you possibly find you see fit to solve such trash in the world?

I get that call of duty's campaign of difficulty change makes. Its level design is too linear alternative objectives such as those in Nintendo 64 classic as perfect darkto enable. You have backed up you are in a corner where are your only options dial enemy damage and select health players.

How fucking stupid of you! I suggest your upgrade game design, but I know you are dense, too slow, and... too burdened with money, mixed to your formula. As many of the millions of consumers actually finish your game, throw their hands in anger? This is a warning.

Not stagnate. Go through, develop and create something new. Sales are Wain, if you refuse to respond your error. Guitar Hero has already defined it for you. Even stalwarts like EA Madden series, a franchise, which for more than 20 years have started folder.

If you don't change? Fine, fuck you and your broken game. If you do... what, I still get angry at you.

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