How spend your gaming time?

5:26 AM Posted by Mario Galarza

I play a handful of different games, and I have trouble deciding what to play and when to play. With the publishers and developers finally recognize that outside there months from September to November we have to take the hard decisions between the games. It doesn't help that the downloadable space is to take off.

At the moment I'm juggling Bangai-O HD: Fury missile, La Noireand brink. Frankly, I have settled my time for brink . I exercise daily and the long team-based first person shooter help games in splash damage, the time fly. My real issue is with Bangai-O and L.A. Noire.

I need to "complete" both games for reviews. I can "Bangai-O made from the outset". You need not to play to see a lot of the game, what is going on. L.A. Noire also you can ignore the core gameplay to understand relatively early. Unfortunately must L.A. Noire be completed. Each reviewer passing early verdict on the crime caper by Team Bondi is in danger, looked like a huge asshole. Think to back to the end of Red dead redemption and how important it was the Western impression on you as a player.

I have a hard decision to make my gaming time. Perhaps my motivation is different as a critic, but I would still like to know more about you. Let your answer to the following in the comments and I will feature one this week in the people speak.

So, here is my question: How can you decide what to play and when to play?

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