News: Thursday, May 26, 2011
Posted on Thursday, May 26 @ 19: 11: 46 Eastern of Danielrbischoff
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We are a small operation here on the game revolution. We do everything we can we bring you every bit of news possible. Unfortunately, not we can cover everything that happens in one day. We use Our Twitter account in a bite sized catch up pace, but not everyone hears about us on Twitter either! That is why I'm kicking off The News. Each heading not we cover with our fantastic, funny words, wrapped up good for your digestion. Every day we are hottest news to deliver and a nice little bug on all continue to which to bind what for you in the evening. On Thursday of this week Edition kicks off as follows:
Window.fbAsyncInit = function() {FB.init ({AppId: ' your app ID', status: true, cookie: true, Xfbml: true});}; (function() {var s = document.createElement('script'); = true e.async; document.location.protocol = e.src + ' / /'; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e);}}());
We are a small operation here on the game revolution. We do everything we can we bring you every bit of news possible. Unfortunately, not we can cover everything that happens in one day. We use Our Twitter account in a bite sized catch up pace, but not everyone hears about us on Twitter either! That is why I'm kicking off The News. Each heading not we cover with our fantastic, funny words, wrapped up good for your digestion. Every day we are hottest news to deliver and a nice little bug on all continue to which to bind what for you in the evening. On Thursday of this week Edition kicks off as follows:
I'm Daniel Bischoff and here is what happens in your world tonight:
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