Saints row: the third - Xbox360 - preview

7:48 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

If you answered "Saints Row", then congratulations, you just won. If you answered "Gay Tony", pass you don't go, you collect $ 200. okay, well, we give you the money, as long as she you on a long, rubbery, purple dildo, spend so you grandmothers on the street can whack. What can I say? You love it in the face. Everywhere. Until it is red. Or blue, depending on the position.

How dare you, Nick? Who is Sir disgusting. Terribly offensive. Crude oil. Unprofessional.

Oh, yeah? Well, then they read Boring-ass Wikipedia article for the game. Otherwise, you closed and bend over you, Missy. It will be a rough night. (Teabagging is for pussies.)


Just when you think Saints Row could be not more blatant and over the top Saints row: the third blows... If you don't know why I this sentence let'm, here is a dead Hooker. Some people say that the series is just a rip-off of Grand Theft Auto, but that's the fucking point. In fact, it is the fat really truth. No lies you and say that you are playing GTA for the heart-warming story, if you shoot the time half of bulls and ignore calls from your cousin and girlfriend spend. Saints row: the third white, what you really want: to the kick all of you in the nuts.

I could follow the rules of the preview and methodically dissected the game components on his updated graphics modeling, physics system, third-person shooting mechanics, mission objectives, and additional background history, but are used, that would not Saints row: the third justice. I could be that the third road have left Saints to their territory in Stilwater of Saints Row 2 due to a failed bank robbery and are this now in the Chicago inspired the town of Steelport, to get revenge on the Belgian Philippe Loren, (well played, Belgium, but GR saw you coming) the Stilwater of banks incorporated and the Stilwater name bribed police.

But since all you probably have that the last sentence "Blah, blah, Blah", here is a list of just some of the things, you can in Saints row: the third (if you remember not like bulleted lists, the part about bend over):

Jump in the air on a slut, grab your head between your thighs, slam her out in the sidewalk and walk away like a boss

-You, the door to a car and directly in the driver's seat by the window refuse

-Unterzeichnen you an autograph of fan girl of the Saints, while you are robbing a bank in the third floor (all for the fans, right?)

-Setzen on a few Apoco fists and punch a sad homeless in a happy cloud of blood and guts

-Verkleiden in furry cat-suit and Rod Luchador with a Samurai sword because you can

Find it a band of fifteen super-sized, shotgun-toting Mercs on a parking lot and instead of being an idiot by frontal face, call you an everyday, normal sized SA-3-airstrike

-Den laser mounted V.T.A.L Jet fly and fire missiles in the world

-Saugen it up to six pedestrians in the car man cannon and shoot it yourself and your co-op friends into the air to the songs of patriotism

Perhaps the only thing a Jart-a fart in a jar - throw that uncontrollable vomiting would have been its victims, you can not do. It is apparently the line on the volition. One scary, scary line. I will call a line DLC, please.

Saints row: the third become a stick in all our ass on November 15, 2011 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Do not worry you, but. We learn to like it.

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