Press Michael Phelps - the limit - Xbox 360 - Preview

1:53 AM Posted by Mario Galarza

Swimming, a sport in the world of video game is not well represented. When it was included in sports compilations (such as the Olympic Games Collections), everything is, what is a simplistic game of timing as the old & Athletics title. With Michael Phelps on the field (and talking to you, by the pool in the game) and as a swimmer from me, I wanted to see how deep it can go.

All four strokes are here and available for play: back, chest, butterfly and freestyle. So far we know about a career mode split screen multiplayer and a party mode, up to 8 players to support, both can be online and off. Classic Olympic Games include swimming in the arenas and other world caliber swimming stadiums from around the globe, and real swimmers apart from Phelps make appearances (personally, Jason Lezak better get some recognition for storing of 8 gold medal strips).


I have beaten each other some reservations with regard to the head to head multiplayer, since players need to swing their weapons pretty wild, a lot of space takes so not only it but people can (especially with the butterfly). Also, the strokes are stand up accommodations for their actual movement, so to speak as someone with some training does not feel like much to swim, but in a freestyle game was at least a good workout.

I was not in a position, a firm release date, but I was always told Hadern autumn 2011. I hope that they then hurry you is because there are some stronger recognition of the Kinect and some touch-ups, with the learned could use, but we'll see how it on the finish line rates.

More information on Michael Phelps - push the limit

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