This just in: Fox News is stupid
OK, I think we can all agree that regardless of your politics, Fox is delayed news full of the retarded. If not, then I hereby revoke your GR permissions for eternity (or at least until you know how breathe through the nose). Do expect your account within 24 hours business deleted.
Here an interview with a Doomsaying Fox is News Editor under the direction of completely empty token ethnic news anchor on...
At the end of the console gaming! [Emphasis added]
One. Where to start? Of those interviewed his idiotic piece begin above properly introduced? Perhaps with give the geniuses in the Studio, the him, the vaunted title of "Scienct and technology editor"? Or the presenter, as clearly behind the technology curve that the best, what they can do is is as his "oh yes, the Atari!" "Keep in mind that the?"
But then the course is guy's whole argument: "show the latest changes that consoles can go away, and I think it is much due to the iPhone and Android." Really? Man, you're fucking brilliant. I mean, you have to be the first person on the planet, the connection between smartphones and casual gaming have made. Get someone who this guy on the phone with NASA, quickly!
The entire Smartphone angle did this interview relevant, oh, I know not, maybe 3 or 4 years than the rest of the world had already begun, figure it out. He goes on to mention the Wii U controller, the "looks basically like a Smartphone - has it is an integrated screen." Holy shit, Mr Scienct and technology editor! Do you mean that I have played since I had a fucking game boy a Smartphone? Wow, all this time I was at a loss.
And then since the claim, the gaming console will disappear, because ", which really their clog the additional thing wants home entertainment system?" I can answer: gamers do. Just because casual gaming doesn't grow means, that there will not always be a demographic, looking for a huge, surround sound, big screen, HD spectacle in their living room to play. We will not always the majority, but we always.
When will "News" learn mainstream-networks, to stay only from the tech world? Only they embarrass themselves each time.
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