I'm looking for server the Grand Fantasia

Enter in Grand Fantasia the option get minimally decent weapons by the Sprite.Das sprite is a pet, looking for stones, leaves, and minerals.You are enabling this Recojes objects.
But the problem already makes an object.If they do all the hell goes, but the more powerful weapons (such as the hammer of the healer Nvl 20, because enormous Da?os) require an amount of money and decent material (there is even as good).
If factories, which most times fails, leave the weapon without material and in my case I was about 50 times doing it Geld.Wenn, I left purchase cracker on the sprite, which was the maximum of happiness and tired, so much nonsense without a penny, it fed up.
So interested in a server where a minimum not fallen sprites to something to me.In Espa?ol. thank you

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