You should really see 3 resistance box art

9:51 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

You may not know name of Olly Moss but has probably seen his work; It has now been regular blog feed for some time and for good reason - Moss creations are fantastic and inspired. Insomniac Games decided to throw a curve ball in the direction of the retailer with the art of table 3 of resistance and he was associated with the British artist.

"We wanted Olly work to reflect that in 3 of resistance is the resistance," said the Insomniac Games community senior director James Stevenson on the Playstation Blog this morning. "3 Resistance not a military action, as the army of United States and SRPA have been destroyed." "On the other hand, resistance 3 is on the remains of find any possible way to survive in a brutal world of humanity".

In addition to working in the box, Moss has produced a series of pieces inspired by resistance, some of which have debuted today, others that you find out as the game public relations campaign launches.

If not interested even resistance 3, keep with Moss on your Web site.

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