Sony shows off with SmartAR technology
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Sony Shows Off SmartAR Technology

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Sony Shows Off SmartAR Technology Posted on Thursday, May 19 @ 08:33:38 Eastern by Anthony_Severino
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Nintendo, among many other tech companies, have been touting augmented reality (AR) as one of the up-and-coming trends in video games. The Nintendo 3DS comes bundled with a set of AR cards and built-in AR-focused games. Anyone who sees the AR games first-hands is immediately wowed. There's no denying, it's cool to see something appear out of thin air and appear as if it's in the room with you.
Sony has been toying with AR since the PlayStation 2 era with the EyeToy. Shortly after the PlayStation 3 released, they stepped up their game with the PlayStation Eye. Now it, in combination with the PlayStation Move, take it even further. Even the PSP has given AR a try and been somewhat successful. But where can Sony take it from here?
Sony has demonstrated its new SmartAR technology in a new video. It shows how AR can work in a large 3D space, even if the anchor object is out of the line of sight -- something that the 3DS has a great deal of difficulty with. Check out the new demonstration below:
Tags: Sony
Masterwabbit - Joined: Mar 15, 2009That last bit was rather impressive. The pink teddy bear thing, though, was a little creepy to me.Posted: May 19th, 2011 at 10:00 am
Doc_Holliday - Joined: Nov 11, 2005The applications of this technology to the porn industry are truly frightening.Posted: May 19th, 2011 at 10:12 am
devaldogz - Joined: Apr 20, YAYPosted: May 19th, 2011 at 11:23 am
drathbone - Joined: May 19, 2011Now they just need to input this on a pair of glasses instead of a handheld device.Posted: May 19th, 2011 at 12:10 pm
danielrbischoff - Joined: Nov 13, 2009@drathbone: You'd probably get a better 3D effect in that way too...Posted: May 19th, 2011 at 12:32 pm
De-Ting - Joined: Nov 11, 2006Ooooo...pie!Posted: May 19th, 2011 at 1:40 pm
drathbone - Joined: May 19, 2011If they could do this with glasses and add some interactivity, I foresee paintball arenas being replaced by AR arenas.Posted: May 19th, 2011 at 2:14 pm
Lars - Joined: Oct 28, 2005I'm not really sure what I'm seeing here...Posted: May 20th, 2011 at 11:51 am
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R.I.P. Space Combat
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Vox ArchivePosted on Thursday, May 12 2011
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Sony Shows Off SmartAR Technology

Xbox 360
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo DS
Sony PSP
PC Games
Other... GameRevolution » Manifesto » Sony Shows Off SmartAR Technology

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Nintendo, among many other tech companies, have been touting augmented reality (AR) as one of the up-and-coming trends in video games. The Nintendo 3DS comes bundled with a set of AR cards and built-in AR-focused games. Anyone who sees the AR games first-hands is immediately wowed. There's no denying, it's cool to see something appear out of thin air and appear as if it's in the room with you.
Sony has been toying with AR since the PlayStation 2 era with the EyeToy. Shortly after the PlayStation 3 released, they stepped up their game with the PlayStation Eye. Now it, in combination with the PlayStation Move, take it even further. Even the PSP has given AR a try and been somewhat successful. But where can Sony take it from here?
Sony has demonstrated its new SmartAR technology in a new video. It shows how AR can work in a large 3D space, even if the anchor object is out of the line of sight -- something that the 3DS has a great deal of difficulty with. Check out the new demonstration below:
Tags: Sony

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Red Faction: Armageddon
Launch trailer for Red Faction: Armageddon. (01:47)

F.E.A.R. 3
Scoring trailer. (01:17)

Guild Wars 2
Engineer Skill Videos. (03:38)

Gears of War 3
Campaign Teaser (00:15)

Build Mage trailer. (01:43)

Red Faction: Armageddon
Launch trailer for Red Faction: Armageddon. (01:47)VIEW ALL VIDEOSvar videoshown=1;var teaserScrollId=0;$('teaserimg'+videoshown).addClassName('slide-nav-on');function scrollTeasers(){if (videoshown==6) { document.getElementById('videocarslider').style.left = '0px'; videoshown=1; }if (videoshownHaiku Fridays: Let's Get DirtyGears Of War Board Game Coming to Crush Your TabletopFatality: Accordian Players Kill It With Mortal Kombat ThemeSmile! You're on Candid ControllerGamers Poor, Buying More Used GamesNintendo Kicks Off Operation: Stop Pirates At All CostsHow Do You Spend Your Gaming Time?L.A. Noire: You Lying WhoreValve Details E3 Plans, Answers Burning QuestionsParents Upset About Adoption in Portal 2

L.A. Noire Cheats

R.I.P. Space Combat
Summer is just about upon us now; finals are bearing down on college students, with the promise of summer break and all of the broken air-conditioners, rushed vacation plans and charred meat that it entails. It also marks the beginning of what I like to call, the “Game Release Doldrums,” so named because it’s the season where the fewest games I am interested in are released. Though it looks like this year’s GRD should not be too tedious, I guarantee that most, if not all,...
Vox ArchivePosted on Thursday, May 12 2011

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