Rockstar theorizes PS3 Firmware causing 3, 61 L.A. Noire freezing issues

7:35 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

Rockstar theorizes PS3 Firmware 3.61 causing L.A. Noire freezing issues Maybe Team Bondi should make this one of the downloadable cases for L.A. Noire eventually. perhaps the Bondi team should do this one of the downloadable cases for L.A. Noire eventually.

Here is a new one.

Rockstar Games has received enough complaints about L.A. Noire players experiencing locks on PlayStation 3 to, after internal testing, publicly respond and theorize the recent firmware 3, 61 fault. The answer of study came in response to a question about inflection of PS3 was playing L.A. Noire.

According to Rockstar, there are two scenarios: the PS3 turns off automatically or is blocked, requiring that the user turn off the computer.

"We have confirmed locally to various games (Rockstar and not Rockstar) overheating or they freeze only when it is installed 3.61," the company said.

I've contacted Sony about the subject, but Sony did not respond as of this writing.

"At this time we are recommending to contact Sony directly to report the problem of overheating," he continued Rockstar. "However, this is not the end of our support;" "we are continuing to test L.A. Noire in all versions of firmware and hardware models to isolate problems and see what you can do".

In the short term, a patch is coming. Rockstar, however, cannot guarantee that it will solve the problem.

"Continue to take this overheating issue very seriously," said Rockstar.

View the original article here

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