"Small number" of Xbox 360E has Borked drives [updated]

4:17 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

Getting a free Xbox 360 S ain't that bad.Get a free Xbox 360 S is not so bad.

Update: It just got a little more confusing. Stay with me here!

Microsoft has not responded to my request for comment on the reports today on the disk, but Eurogamer got more units. The issue has nothing to with the next firmware update, but that was a previous update.

"In addition, this drive reads the error message is linked to a change in the disc algorithms in a recent update of reading software and is not specific to earlier or later versions of the Xbox 360," the company said in a statement.

As such, if it has not had a problem with his team playing records of sale retail so far, you are lucky to get a new Xbox.


The spring Xbox Live Update is imminent, bring a major change of security in the manner of Xbox 360 machines read records, releasing a considerable amount of space to developers on each disk. The update breaks the possibility of a "very small number" of Xbox 360E to read discs of retail sale, however, what Microsoft to reach affected consumers, offering them a replacement S. Xbox 360

Kotaku first broke the news, based on an e-mail received by a user of Xbox Live. You can imagine their surprise. Features of Xbox support Twitter, then check your email, according to other people receive similar e-mails, were true. Then, Microsoft issued a statement to Eurogamer, elaborate on the issue itself.

"After a recent upgrade of our software system, we have become a problem that prevents that a very small number of Xbox 360 owners play discs of retail game," said the company. "This issue shows an as a single 'disk unreadable' or 'unsupported disk' error on the screen." They are also able to detect this problem via Xbox Live and proactively reach clients who may be affected to replace your console.

Have you contacted Microsoft separately for more information, but they have yet to hear again. I would like to know if you heard of Microsoft. My Xbox 360 is several years old, but still I have not heard anything of them.

View the original article here

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