Developers not welcoming back PSN freebies

1:08 AM Posted by Mario Galarza

As a consumer, I cannot be angry about the Four PSN freebies Sony offers gamers as an excuse for the whole PSN disaster. I already have my eyes on Super Stardust HD and Wipeout HD.

But as fellow of the gaming industry, can I understand why some developers about nonplussed that you compete with free games, especially independent developers, which is either planned on releasing their games within the PSN failure or mere days before it is... happens Ouch. Such a victim is slam bolt scrappers, fire hose games developed, although they "not Sony for this debt to do".

Housemarque is another independent developer, hardly as kind as the CEO Ilari Kuittinen confirmed in a statement to the Edge Online:

The problem is that everyone now gets free games, so that people could play only the free games for a while. The time that they are ready to buy something, Outland is perhaps old news.

An unnamed source sympathises on Eurogamer:

As a developer, I feel very sad for those teams that try while Windows failure PSN release their titles. In addition, I feel does the games start sorry for those after the failure, me in the days, such a backlog of traffic that it be noted in the flood, perhaps hard to "get everything back up and running" will try probably it.

I think, it would be to mark a good gesture for Sony this PSN developer for several months, or find some way to alleviate their financial NULL during the failure. Triple-A studios can easily the PSN revisions survival; many Indies can not.


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