Recommend �Pdrian any game to learn English?
Good to the mess...
I have to learn English, whether this time, if... encouragement when I Preparao movies with subtitles... a good program dictionary... some music of Queen and their respective letters with their corresponding translation... a learning program that plays all suits of this language... and what more it help me find me mean... dvds of Disney XP English magic
The only thing I miss is a video game in English... My idea is a console role-playing game that can play in the window and go with the help of Fantastico translator program I did perhaps an adventure graphics, if they believe that it is very good... or not... any game where is the dialogue are subtitles and Vallan, the up slow...
No, I remember I had 13 14 A?os try this language, a video game to learn. I don't remember, was the name of a game of PSX... now... The fact is, that he published the text that the words came on the screen and Apuntandome had no idea Las, precise and then the Traducia... but it something was Co?azo, which used lettered remember a very crappy Pocket Dictionary of Peque?iiiisimas and I that some words not out me, and had that forever lost... but I remember you enough, to move in the game and I learned much vocabulary... Later the Cansancion, the teenage lead and the wonderful educational system Espa?ol with their "excellent" teacher of English have been made, that he hated, completely, I have this language during the A?os Odiase and Detestase Aprendenr without much enthusiasm, and therefore without much success trying...
But now... this time I take it seriously... Rocky is on the canvas for his seventh assault hehe Trigesimo... and is Aganar, that has Emudesc as a personal coach...?ltima Edici?n of Hisukiro date: today at 07:00.
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