M3 DS real support programs of the scene...

Today I bought a Nintendo DS Lite me (please don't come "it is better that you bought you the Chi or the 3 DS" ??)
And he was bought in search for flash card, the M3 recommends me all DS real.
But my Intenci?n in all of this is backups of video games not only last, I wanted to know that applications are compatible with the M3 DS uses meet I would like to give it: S
First, is it compatible Aplicaci?n that can access the Messenger? I would be very useful

Do I have to search an application on the Internet that me much of the Atenci?n called Ireportserverconnection core moved, I is this Seg?n Aplicaci?n DSTwo have to seen only compatible with the SuperCard many pages show, but Podr?a run it on M3 DS? In the event that it cannot be (I think) alternative exist as compatible?
On the other hand Tambi?n Quer?a a Men?, that I will offer more opportunities and the next seen I have you, that often me Recomendais?

Is also a Aplicaci?n wanted to played movies, my understanding is a good Aplicaci?n for this Moonshell compatible? is it better?
And a program with the loaded songs with the closed DS? When an mp3 was...
And finally, there is still a browser? I've seen much about the topic...
Sorry I drop all this stuff is, that I saw I have a few but am confused with roles compatibility: S
Thank you for your help
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