I never knew the answer,

4:42 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

Never ask me the Porqu? of darkness, the lights on my house, my place, my vacio?
Jam?s I could imagine some M?s the Hab?a.

In silence and in the distance, I could say a few weak light of Tintineos - As? - I call you
But for are not M?s spots; Patches, which more than light, disturbed be perpetual - dark for my clear - dark room, because Jam?s could have known, meaning for ?l for M?, the darkness.

-Ich come to feel the heat, which emerged these distant stars,.
But as I was, what sweet Comenz? like a Sue?o, turned it into light R?fagas that does not let me M?s Opci?n, which to the seemingly known live.-.

-?Tal to the Sab?a what I not?-

The Permanec?a still, maybe try to remember that C?mo was the light of Oscureciera its daily panorama website. The Esperaba?alejado of the invader, but never the view Perdi?.

-Interested parties, therefore not Quer?a back, what they Cre? of leave Atr?s, Decid? walk away from the Sun as Ard?a before my eyes. Each step ?pod?a sense as my soul was filled of light!, ?pod?a C?mo heat Arropaba, see my body!
Up to que?
The fire of emotions are Extingui? cold Torn?ndose, and dark again; with the ?nica difference, which saved in my memory, I am the existence of the chimera to the time when I saw the origin of the light distant; with the inconvenient ?nico that no tomb where it can record his name-

In establishing the Permanec?a, to know the Inimaginable? Permanec?a, only Permanec?a? one thing; they in turn to Ser?a as in look.

__________________________________________________ ___________________________

Silencio? drawing always quiet Fantas?as; FaNtas?As unrealistic, as the only one who do not know everything you can imagine.
Know what lives gives form and forms in the truth that even beats out stone,
?Pero, this place that writes Jam?s, M?s had listened their own chatter?
Be ?C?Mo way, to the unknown? Soft ?c?mo you non-existent?

Silencio?Siempre silent drawing Fantas?as; FaNtas?As unrealistic, as the only one who knows that everything imaginable.
Because ignorance built deforms and flows as the River came without knowing the desert never happen.
?pero, writes that scholars that it has already heard everything?
?C?Mo renew now renovated?... Further ?c?mo his existence?

It is inconceivable to imagine what the ?l? on as ever read Aprendi?, to write a book
But it is still inconceivable that it received no further All? from these letters account

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