Here is when and where do all the live E3 press conferences

7:19 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

What will Iwata hold in his hand this year? Actually, wait, better question: what can you Photoshop Iwata holding in his hand this year?What Iwata have in your hand this year? Actually, wait, better question: what can Photoshop Iwata holding in his hand this year?

We are only 24-hour news conference Microsoft E3, AKA the distinctive moment when all we can say, "Okay, E3 is officially on." I'm sure if you Konami, likes to think his Conference marked the beginning of the E3 of 2011, but come on, let's be realistic here.

If you do have in mind that you would like to sit down and see all these conferences alive, as some kind of drug addict of news that only fairly cannot take a success big enough to satisfy their unbearable they need to know every new handheld console, exclusive game, and what you have, we are here to provide you with a practical dandy program and the list of transmission links relevant to make sure that you can take the "medicine" at appropriate intervals.

And, of course, just a friendly reminder that we, the crew of giant bomb, broadcasting our own "live press conferences" during the week of E3, directly from the Haus der bomb. Somewhere in there, Jeff will finally reveal his plans for the collection of Jeff Gerstmann HD. Spoiler: Is only a recorded DVD full of videos like this, but in the definition of highest quality.

Souerce: GiantbombAll

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