The Camporita, the new monstrosity Kirchner

10:25 AM Posted by Mario Galarza

My opinion:
Sorry, if I show anyone who offended would this news, but I my dissatisfaction with the Government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

Never in my life Creei that a person is so low, could you please do not blame the children.
Do the only culprits here are the parents and the Government, that the next movement of the President?
Send Ni?os to picket and wars?

The Inici?tico rite was on the March 24 anniversary of the coup d ' état of 1976. A Formaci?n militarized passage of less than 10 A?os Ni?os, have been taken, to a macabre scene of the Naci?n mounted on the edge of the Congress. Odorless Simb?licos, Gigantograf?as people of P?blicas not digested by Baldwin (Mirtha Legrand, Hernestina Herrera, Joaqu?n Morales Sol?, tit Gelblung and others), and a macabre subject, these poor creatures were: Escup? your anger.

Carried out, that this law B?rbaro was a Organizaci?n, that his time of Llam? was "The mighty". The Escupidero P?blico of this evening was ?xito for the heads of these organizations Kirchner funded money P?blicos Convirti? in one. Quer?an cause, that the media and the Oposici?n of the release of this fascist K?nder as Saliv? dozens of Im?genes. Journalists, who now Congracian with the k. stored: Mauro Viale was one of the V?ctimas of the P?blico spit, but now it has become meritorious in the pro-Government eyes, and recited his friendship to the four winds with Anibal Fern?ndez.

All Parec?a were All?, as a new Eslab?n of the chain of hatred behind Cristina Sociol?gicamente Fern?ndez and his S?quito in pursuit of the degrading all Manifestaci?n Pol?tica and Period?stica independence.

But not Qued? All?. A few weeks ago is the Organizaci?n that led with the name Cambi? and already Comenz? Pol?ticamente in primary schools operate for the show. Its new name: the Camporita.

A mother was the notebook classes of his son of ten A?os, review, if Descubri? shocked a pamphlet comedy of the year for Ni?os in a language which exceeded hatred on all four sides.

"This... is ?Qu??", he Pregunt? to his son. With all innocence of age, the young Contest?: "I am Mam?, of the Camporita…" and Continu? with a petit speech of fascist indoctrination par Reci?n.

The mother went to the other D?a, with the authorities of the school upset to talk and at the same time terrified that Aparici?n Ins?lita propaganda Kirchner with the notebook of the Ni?o class.

The Director of the school of Titubeaba, not Sab?a good Qu? response. You Explic? that the own Compa?eritos of school (children of parents who speak in the C?mpora) were propaganda with the seal of the Camporita and Adoctrinaban to the children of the school. It was all in a tone of fear (so it failed to M?s call data, which can endanger the mother and the authorities of the school).

Parents, whose children Est?n and V?ctimas A?n unaware of this alleged brainwashing, if their children change schools or result in the court action. This hideous maneuver is very new to know, Est? 15 D?as M?s does and are while parents meet in private homes, Queen of fear and distrust to Qu? can do lead Justice of the Baldwin.

"If my son has declared Gesell, makes even in a C?mara and no one guarantees the fairness of the process and much less Garant?a of Qu? not Habr? reprisals," Dec?a the mother, the Cont? of this episode.

A Kirchner starting part of the "penitent", told this reporter that possible la Camporita is the Assistant for the strengthening of democracy, "The Raven" Andr?s Laroque.

This aberrant form of the child indoctrination (is not represented guys want to induce their Compa?eritos fans of a Club of the F?tbol be but a trick of brainwashing children of top official), reminiscent of the episodes of the Cu?les history recalls with anger and fear at the same time.

1936 Necessarily to Ni?os make the Nazi Germany Reclut? School of the Hitler youth. Three A?os Despu?s of the young movement, had seven million of Ni?os, which were part of this N?cleos that celebrations saluted Adolf Hitler even personally and is very similar to the "Escup? your anger", which took place on 24 March in the Congress.

The Hitler youth were taken allegations as ?stas: "…vosotros the old Hab?is, their unconditional support for the Nazi R?gimen swept so that it was possible, the new start... and she confessed to her."

Racial hygiene and cleaning ?tnica never as elementary concepts which curled to the existence of these children in hatred.

It is almost the discourse of "8" propaganda. The Camporita runs on the same path. Each parent Sabr? C?mo before the Manipulaci?n treated to now do in the minds of their children.

Live by calling Nazi opponents should see first the 678 in a mirror...

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?ltima Edici?n of marcosluna31 date: today at 01: 59.

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