Lucent heart - preview

8:20 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

The MMORPG. It is a strange beast, unites and separates, excited and indignant. Stories, that the true social implications of MMOs have since the rise of EverQuestthe gamut of lasting friendships and also real marriages to virtual funeral raids and run cases of jealousy and murder.
Range free-to-play- Lucent heart the colorful anime-style plants characters firmly in the former camp, and soft, light tones, the promotion of a community, that firm the swarm-other online games is like a beacon of humility and human decency in the sea of the elitist idiots and trolls. These friendships and marriages are not only in Lucent heartencouraged the game hinges upon them.

The biggest thing Lucent heart to differentiate from their competitors is the approach to the social elements that are the core of any MMO. LH horoscopes, which in addition to the mandatory property, you used a global chat channel, you with anyone your shields, stat bonuses to, giving parts of day to day change and encourage group with players who have bonuses that complement your own and romantic (or friendly) matchmaking.
Cupid-ish NPC you can in the city for partners that astral search based characters and gender on any number of parameters, such as level - has become, you and your match "Soulmates" in the game. Soulmates, which together party enjoy benefits such as increased experience and access to a variety of buff of bestowing lovers emotes from simple kisses too jealous slaps, something along the lines of "Woohooing" in The Sims. You can many soulmates (a bit cheapened the whole idea, isn't it?), but the only partner time, that easy to to with one at a juicy can result in in-game drama.
But this is not only a few dating SIM - it's a full-fledged MMO with all commands. Choose a class does not actually at first, only later when you have won a few stages. At this point can go with a base class such as a warrior or Mage. Then further down the road class again to modify in a specialized version. And when you are ready, (null) skill points begin with 0, you can completely to something completely different change your class later in the game.
As for dungeons, there are the regular five man matters that the custom of the developers, but are also customer-specific dungeons. Occasionally you will find special Dungeon creation gems when enemies looting, and you use the gems in tandem can a custom Dungeon with a setting, monsters, and difficulty of the draft.

When not exploring, enjoy many Lucent heart cool player in the city and socializing with others. GMs in this game are extremely vocal and active in the community, in contrast to other MMOs, where they lurk in the shadows, only popping from occasionally ban hammer on people or a factory type approved response to a bug report. LH GMs converse in the local chat channels, hang out with the player base and give prices from people at all hours of the day.
You are also dancing, which is quite amusing pastime for many a Lucent heart player. In fact, lined up a forthcoming patch, for the game expand the dance he is far beyond that all MMO emote to a level so far. You can choreographer and save a whole bunch of the own dance moves, you make character imitating the latest lady Gaga or Britney Spears video (or what you crazy kids in these days).
Lucent heart is to the download and play now available. Check it out a happy MMO to play, that really goes out of his way to make a friendly atmosphere, where players can go adventure, relax, and hang out with one of the many colleagues, soul (and get some whoopee on the page).

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