Torchlight 2 fights Diablo III with $20 price point
Posted on Friday, August 26 @ 13: 43: 21 Eastern from Nick_Tan
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Runic games has just announced the new price point for torchlight 2 to thebudget - awesome-price of $20, with CEO Max Schaefer, specifying:
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Runic games has just announced the new price point for torchlight 2 to the
An apparent outsider torchlight-2 the game is faced an uphill battle against Diablo IIIif it already has a leg for mod not with a real auction house, an offline mode and the user friendly way, pretty much, but players want. $20 Helps tend only the scale in their favor if release 2 torchlight are some time during the holiday season.Everybody, who wants to torchlight 2 play are easy to afford, and are they play, in the position with her boyfriend, online or via a LAN or single-player play offline, all with no additional purchase.
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