Combat wings: The great battles of World War II - preview

5:01 AM Posted by Mario Galarza

Combat wings: the great battles of the second WELTKRIEGS follows the antenna tracks his titular Church of franchise, particularly combat wings: Battle of Britain way back in 2006 and tried, the arcade simulation in the setting of the allies and Axis powers package familiar. As the most video game interpretations of the second war, the games focuses on the efforts of the war of the allies, take part in the battle of Britain with Big Ben in the distance, the often uncredited campaign in Africa, the brave defence of Russia and the dogfights threatening over the Pacific against Japanese Kamikaze pilots.

Some people might grumbling at the thought of another one of second WELTKRIEGS title, this in the flight genre or not, but antenna technology today does not exactly make for exciting action. There's a stealth bomber on desert blotch # 3892 not much excitement in remote control, and that's not even mention whether it navigated by satellite or is on auto-pilot. The game not a strict Flight Simulator, where a player manual full of buttons, frills and procedures only to learn from the ground, although incredible attention to detail and realism to the real missions and authentic aircraft have it.

Not only the animations and the physics of individual WWII aircraft are well presented, but the game offers a cinematic approach to the field of view and the view. Aircraft can resist health bars in the vicinity of their wing tips, so that players will recognize how hard their planes are damaged, to say how many more direct hits. No card or mini map is currently present, which means that players eliminate a radar that select red triangles can abuse blip on the screen does not.

Instead, they will actually have an enemy aircraft tail, select it with the target cursor, drag the cross-hairs about it, and then use a healthy dose of ACE combat mode to slow down the time and even you make automatically before filming began. Of course, ACE mode on little more than a burst is limited, five seconds so that it must be managed with effective timing. In the meantime players bob and weaving to enemy bullets - that is, must not fly over to a target in a predictable straight - and the ground at all costs avoid. This is piloting 101, really.

Fortunately during the demo, the developer on board enabled the journalist-friendly respawn system, so that I was able to get see spiral me to my death several times through missions available. Of the usual "destroy all enemy aircraft" means target that sometimes lands safely for a refuelling or destroying turrets, u-boats and ground forces with bombs and missiles. This, distributed over four campaigns and a significant improvement over the more than thirty missions is lack of diversity of the Mission in the fight for the United Kingdom.

City Interactive includes some way in the final build multiplayer, but it is still uncertain. What is certain, however, is that the PS3 version also supporting move will come, pushes the technology in a surprising way. Combat wings: the great battles of the second WELTKRIEGS looks to be a huge retail entry on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC when it delves into stores in November.

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