Looking for people
I and another person, are the creator of a band called burn GT or burn Gamester technologies; We are looking for interested, to work with us, no matter if you Spriters, Aniomadores, programmer and creator of M?sica, all us, always and when Quer?is work.
We online server are currently working on a project, create Cu?l based on a game of Gladiatus you, so that we programming with Visual Basic, and us Gustar?a to make it with game maker or other tool Gr?fica and creators of video games, Tambi?n appeal to all those good to play that create game maker in the.
In this way if all those who want to work, free left entry in the Creaci?n of video games for all, they know programming or Dise?o.
We have experience, we have separated some other game, and all together.
All interested parties who answered.
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