Arkham city Robin only available in challenge cards
DAX Ginn, game sales director at rocksteady Studios, replaced some important information in Batman: Arkham city in his Gamescom interview on the Official US PlayStation blog.
First challenge was cards on his mind predator due to Developer's lack of control of the difficulty of such an open-world titles are used more like a "Dojo", where you can go, hone your skills. To win high-scores and the enemies on certain way in the factor de practice arenas Awards players medals in the direction of the mode feature of Etrigan revenge. What are these rewards remains open for now.
But more importantly, the revealed character of Robin is only available in this challenge cards (and he has a shield):
I must admit that I wish, selectable in the most important play in any way was the boy wonder, because I know enough about Batman. And secretly hope that some of reveal Robin day would lead toAs Robin in the challenge cards appears only is our focus is on the take it in a direction not previously seen. Fit in our world he must be of hard-hitting and have the skills that the effectiveness of Batman, approaching, so he has an arc staff and shield, and he a specialist explosions with magnification vision, which is allowing it to identify explosives in the area. Robin is a complex character and very unlike Batman - it is not a case that we have him just reskinned.
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