The only Beatles based marketing and popularity

4:50 AM Posted by Mario Galarza

Started by LedZeppelinIV Ver Mensaje although I understand all the songs from the Beatles always Creer?, which is a product marketing and popularity and musical in several albums that I O?do have, since their quality have Deca?do songs little with the exception of one to a different Canci?n
?Has-O?do, do to that?

It is the opposite M?s, their songs have much quality with the exception of one to a different Canci?n.

?Y because you say that "Deca?do" have?
You have developed M?s na, as Hac?an in the early days (please please me, with the Beatles, A hard day's night, etc.), rock Psicod?lico as Hac?an mainstream pop then (Sgt. Pepper's, magical mystery tour, revolver).

It shows that you know nothing about the Beatles. I'm not his big M?s fan, but confirm that they are one of the best groups.

?Has O?do white album? ?Has O?do dear prudence? ?While, the my guitar gently weeps? Is ?Happiness a warm gun? And many of the songs from Ah? M?s. The ?nica I don't like white album sincerely Revolution 9<><>

?Has O?do Sgt. Pepper's? I love all the songs on Ah?. ?O?Ste A day in the life?

?Has O?do Abbey Road? All are perfect. It's not bad. Not a... ?O?Ste the Abbey Road Medley? If you don't have O?do, ?yelo. The video I have you and never put me your money. All songs of Dem?s are connected, it's like a huge Canci?n of 16 minutes.

You will hear all ?lbumes I stating full and then Podr?s comment that way.

?ltima Edici?n Naguera date: today at the 14.

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