[Update] This Contest Is Gamania MANIA!!! (Plus Haiku Saturdays?)

7:08 AM Posted by Mario Galarza

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[Edit: Okay, so I'm a little late on the haiku thing. So how about this? If you write a haiku on how awesome Gamania is, I'll give you a bonus +1 point.]

Earlier, I said there would be a Gamania contest. How well have you been reading and listening?

Well, the first person to answer the following ten questions correctly in a Private Message to me, Nick_Tan, will automatically be the winner. Everyone will be ranked by the number of correct answers given and then by the time of submission. Results and leaderboards will be posted on Monday. Sabotage I don't know about is fair game.

The winner will receive one-of-a-kind Gamania schwag, as well as some special prizes from our very GR office, that I am willing to give away because my ninja clan is forcing me to take a test of sacrifice. Five runner-ups will receive the large Gamania picnic mat above. (No booze included. We need them.)

[Here's a cheat sheet. Now go! Before we sick a Taiwanese Spiders on you!]

1) Okay, first, an easy one: In what city and country did the first Gamania Game Show take place?

2) What are the five main games (not just four) that Gamania showed at their first Gamania Game Show?

3) Which game of the five is most associated with a pocketwatch?

4) Which game of the five is most associated with a Tuner?

5) Which game of the five is Gamania pushing the most for the Western market?

6) What is Gamania's motto?

7) How does Gamania CEO Albert Liu wish to innovate with MMORPGs in the online space?

8) What is the game that inspired Albert Liu to become a game designer?

9) According to Albert Liu and Yuwei Chang, what is one of the main differences between being a successful GM in the US and one in Japan?

10) What was the first game we previewed that was developed by Gamania?

11) Freebie: How awesome is Gamania?

View the original article here

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