The Missing Link Adds a Another Boss Fight to Deus Ex: Human Revolution

10:35 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

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It was almost too clear that the painfully disruptive boss fights in Deus Ex: Human Revolution weren't developed by Eidos Montreal. With studio Grip Entertainment at the helm of those awkward moments where players and Adam Jensen were forced to face-off with enemies requiring brute force (read: rocket launchers), things sort of fell apart.

In The Missing Link, Eidos Montreal hopes to prove to players that it can develop boss fights deserving of the Deus Ex name. Asked how they'd accomplish this, Production Coordinator Marc-Andre Dufort said:

We have a boss battle at the end [of The Missing Link], but it's different from the main game boss battles. You can actually not kill the boss. You can do a non-lethal takedown on him. And you can kill him from afar. You can even kill him without him seeing you. It's more of a bigger challenge than a standard boss fight like we have in many games.

Those options sound more like what you'd expect from Deus Ex. Dufort continued:

Everything was done in Montreal at Eidos. It's a lot less frustrating. But it depends on the way you play. If you played more combat in the main game, you probably didn't have any trouble dealing with the boss fights. So we allow the adaptation of the way you play for that particular boss fight. I was playing more of mixed stealth and combat style, so I had some good weapons in my inventory. I didn't have a lot of trouble dealing with them. No, I didn't get any big frustrations dealing with them. But I can understand people playing more stealth style having some frustration dealing with those boss.

The Missing Link DLC will add five hours to the game next month. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is available now for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.

From what I've seen, the game will load you up with power weapons right before you encounter a boss, so even if you do play stealth, it doesn't seem like that big a deal. Of course, purists are purists. What are your thoughts on the bosses in Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

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