Kevin Butler sick, VP, takes the position of President...
Call it a comeback... Oh wait. In any case, they call it a comeback.
After the PSN security breach left Kevin Butler of less a trace as the hacker that violates Sony encryption and firewalls. There were no signs of all things PlayStation VP. He is making a comeback, but on first glance it seems not for Sony will no longer work. His new job title reads:
He says that "a man so often can only a VP", so that he become his "Uncle flooring company" still President. Kevin Butler with the wry humor and all attitude holds despite his new position with this new society. His new role, he is President of laminating laminate, President of the planking (that funny will be), President of brick and mortar.President, economy flooring. I am a man of the people and the people need help. Carpets worn? Warped hardwoods? Linoleum nonlinear? Rest easy, KB is here to help.
Whatever this viral push has him as a flooring specialist for whatever reason, but he is really still work for Sony a new campaign. With the holiday season right around the corner we will know soon KB enough what's up too confident.
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