Stern: "Greedy" agents violate the NBA deal opportunities

8:14 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

NEW YORK--NBA Commissioner David Stern blamed "greedy" agents Saturday for trying one new work deal with NBA players life and believes that they are trying push their customers in a "lose strategy" the dissolution of their Union.

Stern said the threat of decertification, nor any request that changes player Union the League's negotiating position, repeat that no further discussions on the revised it proposal, it would offer Thursday.

Stern said that he fears that the player not getting the right information about the content of the proposal, because NBA worried it yourself agents will cost money.

Star "By a combination of hypocrisy and greed, which are agents that search for themselves instead of their customers business, life", said in a telephone interview. "it involved an orchestrated Twitter campaign and a series of interviews that deny the economic realities of the proposal are apparently."

Representatives meet player Monday to decide whether she should put the recent proposal to the vote. The indication Thursday by Union leaders was that she impressed with him, and have a number of players since it was quoted that she would to shoot down the business.

Stern said that this is because the agents, should not, because it a bad offer.

"No talks about the increase in the compensation under the deal, spent speaking no one about the amount of money," Stern said. "I think that the players not the information which accurate information from their agents that together, banding are kind of the Coalition the greedy and mendacious always to do what they can not less opportunity for the agents to make money."

The revised proposal but still far behind what the player into the former collective agreement, a player had some improvements over the Tuesday said offered they would reject. It took the "Mini" orientation school exception for teams luxury tax, $3 million per year for three years, allows taxpayers to participate in sign-and trade for the first two years, and for teams under the salary cap added to another orientation school.

Owner request also a 50-50-distribution of income relating to basketball, which would keep players if the concessions that they on the system to search.

But the revised proposal may not well discuss enough, and players of the Union already decertifying, so they instead can file an antitrust lawsuit against the League.

Stern said, that would not give the players they use they are looking for because it is a lengthy process. It probably also hopes for a season 2011-12 would kill, he said.

"Yes, I am concerned," Stern said, "because she, until this thing called decertification talk, is a strategy to win on the one hand." "On the second page it will take three months to teach them that it would good no strategy to win, not for the season."

Stern said again that there would be no further discussion on the amended proposal. Player calls for a 53-47 revenue share it, the next proposal to the owners, is to reject a Flex cap with a hard cover and content rollback.

Stern said that the Union's proposal was delivered on Friday. Union leaders have been criticized for not getting the information about them to players in time to prepare them for a qualified vote.

"they say they are done, negotiations." If we really at that point, players must to see exactly what's on the table-not the Internet not Twitter - and just in written form to see, this is the proposal, "said an agent."

Players should accept the offer, a 72 game would 15 Dec. season.

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