
12:26 AM Posted by Mario Galarza


For starters I Dar? three tips:
Ning?n concept to try the MundoBusca always a bully change your own happiness, not Antepongas of the RestoY, no matter what happens, Rétes
And these three tips are those which are not, Deber?is do never obey.


The world has changed much, which populate Hecathia Buc?licos landscapes went on to wild forests, populated ?ridos, rocky shores and rugged valleys, that they were no resemblance to the beauty of the past year. I of course know no longer these landscapes, I'm not so old, I remember the rebirth in the ?poca farmers in my city, was called "?poca grey", a short period of time, a Intent? take man to try Hecathia, includes the ?a?e?a, a mysterious Energ?a varied and free Flu?a of the heavenly C?pula of our world.

Consigui? man, in part, aim and Alcanz? great power M?gico, enough to the low Poblaci?n to defeat came an army from the underworld. But Tambi?n, unfortunately for the tyrant who ?a?e?a to the D?spota control, Provoc? a Explosi?n, known as "the big bang" as Desol? of our world, but they Otorg? people the possibility that ?a?e?a edit, makes but not the same, the D?spota order Gobern? with hand, around of iron and Instaur? what is now known as "S????a", that thousands of people died in the hands of the D?spota, to get the ?a?e?a that controls and to improve As? his power.

Two of them were my parents, and obviously, as each respects legend there is a H?roe looking for revenge himself. My story starts Aqu?, and Tambi?n the true story of Hecathia.

OFF: A Peque?a Introducci?n, the history, that the Ir? write, quite a bit compressed history, to introduce the reader to the context.

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