Final Fantasy XXXL Cosplay
AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota
Posted on Tuesday, October 4 @ 07:41:24 Eastern by Anthony_Severino
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During my time reporting on games, attending trade shows, and being a nerd, I've witnessed a lot of cosplay--both good and bad. Final Fantasy cosplay is among the most popular. This particular Final Fantasy cosplay has ruined the word fantasy for me, forever. I may never be able to fantasize about anything again. Then again, this cosplay may be appropriate for the franchise, considering what a train wreck it has become.
AppId is over the quota

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During my time reporting on games, attending trade shows, and being a nerd, I've witnessed a lot of cosplay--both good and bad. Final Fantasy cosplay is among the most popular. This particular Final Fantasy cosplay has ruined the word fantasy for me, forever. I may never be able to fantasize about anything again. Then again, this cosplay may be appropriate for the franchise, considering what a train wreck it has become.

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