Fate: The Traitor Soul User Submission Added for PC
AppId is over the quota
Go to your programed files or programed files 86x and go to items or player, then go to en-US and open it to notepad. After that, you will see some items such as
When you see this, you go to your game and press ctrl+shift+` to get the item.
IF your want to start off the game with 999 strength,dex,vitality, magic,or any of the skill you will have to follow these instructions.
HERE is the format once you open the en-US from player folder and you click races.
AS you can see, i already did this. and i started the game with 999 of each of these. If you have any questions just go on youtube and look for my username CSISPACEMAN16 if you want me to make a video
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