EA: "Valve Is Run by Clever People."

7:25 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

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In a quote with GamesIndustry, Jens Uwe Intat, Head of EA Europe, believes that EA's relationship with Valve will continue to be healthy, as long as it's about Valve letting their product be published and distributed by them:

Valve is run by very clever people, and I would say that's also true for Electronic Arts, we're all good business people. So, Valve, when they're looking for distribution for their products, looking at which publisher could actually do that, then I think we're the best publisher on the planet, both in Europe and North America.

There's no strain on that relationship because we're competing in one space... I think, as an industry, we're pretty good at competing and co-operating at the same time.

Peter Moore, in a full interview with Gamescom, Peter Moore has no problems with Steam... except for one caveat:

We want to be able to support our customer directly. If there are opportunities to do that, then we'll do that. If Valve, through Steam are willing to allow us to do that, then there are no issues whatsoever. In the instances where you're not seeing a game on Steam, it's primarily because we can't deal directly with our consumer to resolve issues and do things we want to be able to do.

[Source 1, Source 2]

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