Problem with my pc, help!
If you recently installed drivers or devices perhaps is the problem, Tambi?n, points Restauraci?n use, or to determine if the driver for the version of Windows very out of date are simple, you have tried.
2? looking for updates and remove everything it says revision of win XP or win update XP no LAS QUE say update of security for WIN XP, they are not played, if you remove the others, a dialog box that is about something appears, the following programs say responds work to you, if you give this entfernenkeine importance and you, some of these force, that reboot and others get a field to highlight, says that Despu?s restart.
3? If the pc the machine be restarted driver, NO SE ASUSTEN bare!, you install all drivers 1 x 1, single Pr?cticamente works, no installation cd already asks that the driver on the pc are
4? reviewed again in Add or remove programs if anything more than that, if it have achieved them without hesitation fly to make.
5? van on the desktop of my computer properties for Pesta?a disabled automatic updates, and you or get-> you notify above and not install them, search, as you learn more about you want it.
And here in their machine Pantallitas is perfect for foot and appeared not again blue say nothing and less Irql driver not less or equal error was that we were concerned.
If you have Windos XP 10 EU and the EU in other versions may be the problem of the incompatibility of the driver
try this in any case first.
for those that this have the same problem helps them to solve it.
Spoiler type top of 1? and updates to enable show.2? looking for updates and remove everything it says revision of win XP or win update XP no LAS QUE say update of security for WIN XP, they are not played, if you remove the others, a dialog box that is about something appears, the following programs say responds work to you, if you give this entfernenkeine importance and you, some of these force, that reboot and others get a field to highlight, says that Despu?s restart.
3? If the pc the machine be restarted driver, NO SE ASUSTEN bare!, you install all drivers 1 x 1, single Pr?cticamente works, no installation cd already asks that the driver on the pc are
4? reviewed again in Add or remove programs if anything more than that, if it have achieved them without hesitation fly to make.
5? van on the desktop of my computer properties for Pesta?a disabled automatic updates, and you or get-> you notify above and not install them, search, as you learn more about you want it.
And here in their machine Pantallitas is perfect for foot and appeared not again blue say nothing and less Irql driver not less or equal error was that we were concerned.
So, M?s this topic help works not responding to you.
Best wishes.
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