The legend of Zelda: skyward sword, project Café y 3ds: Las bases de Nintendo en el E3

1:03 PM Posted by Mario Galarza

Now, if you a Nintendo fan you expect these three things and car you certainly forward again an overview what to talk about, and those that will be to this item

The legend of Zelda: skyward sword
May: Reggie Fils-AIME
Reason: discard

Well, it's more soon possible and E3 Wii for those who you want to that date, but ?que happened to leave? Project stays on the Wii, is it café or Twiligth situation? the knowledge alone at E3

For those who don't know what happened with TLOZ TP is, that GC and so they shot published you Wii. They may be as a Wii launch and then project Cafe

Project Cafe
May: Satoru Iwata
Reason: It's a (very easy) and is an important step by Nintendo

Project-Café, the first console, the Wii successor of eighth desktop generation. Be Desmentiremos all the rumors can be played. ?El command screen, the list of games will be true and given a new SSB is known yet? I can not wait until E3!

Note: Kingdom of hearts 3 is in the list which I hope games (XDXDXD), if it is true

Future of the 3ds
May: Shigeru Miyamoto
Reason: it owes us an explanation of Super Mario 3ds

be this console, go raccoon Mario? Sagas of Nintendo 3ds Naceran? (want a F-zero!) SSB leave here as his first portable version? The updates that are 3DSware and other games? Another reason more to the E3

Note: in June be shared Midamis 3d update for more information forum for 3ds

Again, my image but ends E3 clarification all, Toooooooooooooooooooodo. But hey I me Vere E3 and you?

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